As for Europe, the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets. 就欧洲而言,这块年迈的大陆被缺乏弹性的产品和劳工市场拖得步履阑珊。
But in so far as there is no new occupation to take the place of the old, the waste of labour will mean a further reduction in family income. 但就目前来说,尚无新的职业代替旧职业,劳力的浪费将意味着家庭收入的进一步减少。
Participate in the public activity and offer intermediary service or offer the chance of working voluntarily for old man, disabled person with labour capacity. 为有劳动能力的老人、残疾人自愿参加公益活动提供中介服务或给予劳动机会。
Knowledge as a factor in production is as old as land and labour. “知识”是个古老的生产因素,如土地与劳力一样;
As for the Old Labour associations, the chancellor is no closet left-winger. 老工党认为,这位财政大臣显而易见是个左翼分子。
Everyone of us, old or young, should take a hand in physical labour. 我们每个人不论老少都应当参加体力劳动。
That was the old rule of thumb for the growth needed to absorb new entrants into the labour market. 这是一个过时的增长经验法则,其适用前提是劳动市场必须充分吸收新增就业人员。
Meanwhile, China's new is replacing the old one, the total Employment contradiction and structure contradiction interweave together, It Will cause greater impact to the labour market of Hebei. 同时,正值中国经济新旧体制全面交替,就业的总量矛盾与结构矛盾交织在一起,河北省就业压力颇大。
The old universal hydraulic testing machine of our company is running by the method of manual adjusting inlet and outlet oil valve and it has many defects such as testing method behindhand, intensity labour and imprecision results. 而我公司旧液压万能试验机以手动调整进、回油阀的方式运行,有试验手段落后,劳动量大和测试结果不准确等多项缺点。
Normalization of safety management in blasting demolition of the old office building of the national head labour union 全总老办公楼爆破拆除中安全管理规范化
According to the Old Testament, labour ethics was systematically recorded in a theological way. 在西方文化中,《圣经·旧约》比较系统地以神学教义的方式阐释了劳动伦理。
In the course of confliction between the old one and the new one, the issues of enterprise labour relations break out frequently with two-edged-sword harm. 旧与新的冲突过程中,企业劳动关系问题便不断爆发,可伤害却是把双刃剑。